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Deep Surveys in the Mid-Infrared

David Elbaz 

CEA, Saclay, France

We will review ISOCAM mid-infrared extragalactic surveys aimed at unveiling dust enshrouded star formation in the universe. Several regions of the sky, clean of foreground infrared emission, were observed in the 6.75 and 15 microns ISOCAM broadband filters, ranging from large and shallow to narrower and deeper surveys. The total flux range covers about three orders of magnitude from 100 $\rm\mu Jy$ to about 0.1 Jy.

The counts obtained above 1 mJy by various surveys in the 12-18 micron band are in good agreement with the no-evolution model. On the contrary, strong evolution is observed in the counts below 1 mJy by deeper surveys. This evolution seems to be due to a population of star-forming or post starburst galaxies typically below $\rm z= 1.2$, whose optical properties are not very different from the galaxies in the field and hence would not have been selected by optical surveys. The steep rise of the number counts indicates that more star formation is hidden in the infrared at larger redshifts with respect to optical-UV emission.

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"The Universe as seen by ISO", 20 - 23 October 1998, Paris: Abstract Book