Sushil.K. Atreya 1 Th. Encrenaz 2
H. Feuchtgruber 3
S. G. Edgington 4
1 Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, The University of
Michigan, USA
2 Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France
3 MPI-Garching, Germany
4 University of Michigan, USA
In October 1996 ISO/SWS recorded the spectra of Uranus in 7-16.5 micron range
and detected
unambiguously the (5 band signature of acetylene(C2H2) centered at 13.7
(Encrenaz et al., AA, 333, L43, 1998). Interpretation of the C2H2 density
profile with
photochemical models led to a value of
the eddy diffusion coefficient
(Kh) at the Uranus homopause, which for these values of Kh corresponds
respectively to
354 km (0.037 mb) and 390 km (0.02 mb) above the 1-bar level. The eddy
is found to be consistent with the values obtained by Voyager ultraviolet
It is this consistency, however, which is intriguing, since the ISO
observations are disk
averaged, whereas the Voyager data correspond to the equator and low latitudes.
the Voyager observations were done 10 years earlier when the south pole of
Uranus was pointing
nearly directly to the Sun, whereas the subsolar point was at approximately 45
deg latitude
at the time of the ISO observations. The ISO-Voyager consistency in Kh
indicates that
whatever little manifestable internal energy Uranus possesses might still be
and responsible for controlling the behavior of vertical mixing in its visible
and that the dynamical behavior of the upper atmosphere is fairly uniform over
the planet.
SWS also detected the methyl radical (CH3) for the first time in the outer
solar system. In December 1997, CH3 was detected in the (2 band of the
Q-branch at 16.5 micron (Bézard et al. AA, 334, L41, 1998). The derived
stratospheric abundance of CH3 (
about a factor of 10 lower than the predictions of methane photochemical
models, however. The discrepancy could be explained by one of two means:
either the value of eddy diffusion coefficient used in the models is too high
by at least a factor of 100, or the rate constant for the self-reaction loss of
CH3 is too low by at least a factor of 10. It is argued that Kh could not
possibly be reduced so drastically. Three independent groups have determined
Kh using three unrelated techniques, and they all agree to within about a
factor of two of
(Atreya et al, in Saturn, U. Arizona
Press, 1984, pp 239; Parkinson et al, Icarus,1998, in press). It is unlikely
that the eddy mixing could have decreased so dramatically in the sixteen year
time span between the Voyager and ISO observations, since the behavior of eddy
mixing in the giant planet atmospheres is believed to result from their
internal heat source, which should not have decreased much in this short
duration. It also seems unlikely that the globally averaged vertical mixing
(corresponding to the ISO observations (could be smaller than the
equatorial/midlatitude values of Voyager. Experience shows that in planetary
atmospheres eddy mixing increases from low to high latitudes, particularly in
the region of external energy input such as that from magnetospheric charged
particles. This would result in greater, not a lower, globally averaged
vertical mixing compared to the equatorial values. We believe the source of
discrepancy between the ISO derived CH3 and the model calculations lies in the
poor knowledge of laboratory chemical kinetics data, which has serious
implications for the interpretation of observations of the outer solar system
atmospheres, particularly those of the giant planets and Titan.