P. Drossart 1, Th. Fouchet 1, J. Crovisier 1, E. Lellouch 1, Th. Encrenaz 1, H. Feuchtgruber 2, J.P. Champion 3,
1 Observatoire de Paris/Meudon
2 Max Planck Institute, Garching, Germany
3 Université de Bourgogne, France
Observations of Jupiter and Saturn with ISO/SWS (Encrenaz et al., Astron.
Astrophys., 315, L397, 1996; de Graauw et al., Astron. Astrophys., 321,
L13, 1997) show evidences for methane emission features in the n3 band
range between 3.2 and 3.4 ,
at the flux level of a few Jansky.
Possible interpretations of these emissions are thermal emission in a hot
stratospheric layer, heated by precipitating particles, or fluorescent
scattering of solar light in vibrational bands of CH4. Synthetic
calculations favors the second interpretation, and a complete model of
fluorescence will be presented for Jupiter and Saturn. On Jupiter, the
thermal structure of the atmosphere and the composition are adapted from
Gladstone et al. (Icarus, 119, 1; 1996), the thermal profile being
retrieved from the n4 band of methane observed in the same ISO spectra.
Line parameters for the CH4 vibrational bands are calculated from the STDS
spectroscopic databank (Tyuterev et al., J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad.
Transfer, 52, 459; 1994). In particular, evidences are obtained for
fluorescence within the n3 band complex of methane, as well as between
overtone vibration bands cascading in the 3.3
range. The solar
absorption occurs within the 3.3
range (Pentad vibration band
the 2.3
range (Octad band system) and the 1.7
(Tetradecad band
system), the absorption occuring predominantly in the 10 mbar, 60 mbar and
160 mbar atmospheric pressure range respectively. A similar model will be
obtained for Saturn methane emissions. Constraints on the vertical
distribution of methane will be obtained from the modelling, giving a
determination of the vertical distribution of CH4 in the upper
stratosphere. Such a determination will be useful to constrain the
photochemical models of Jupiter and Saturn, which depends on the eddy
diffusion coefficient, a parameter still poorly known in the upper
atmospheres of giant planets. These observations will also help improving
the models of thermal balance in the upper stratospheres of Jupiter and
Saturn, where most of the solar absorption occurs.