           |  ISO Workshop on Solar System Objects  |
           |      VILSPA, 10-12 May 1999            |
                     Second Announcement
Dear colleague, 
The "ISO Workshop on Solar System Objects" will be organised by the ISO
Data Centre team and held at ESA's satellite tracking station in Vilspa,
near Madrid (Spain) from 10 - 12 May 1999.
The latest information, the agenda and the registration form is enclosed
and can also be found on our WWW-page: 


To confirm your participation please send back the filled-in
registration form by 9 April 1999.

Looking forward to see you in Vilspa,

Thomas Mueller and Astrid Heske
ISO Data Centre, Vilspa

Attachment 1) Latest Information and agenda
Attachment 2) Registration Form


Attachment 1)


This workshop will bring together the ISO observers working on solar
system programmes with experts in instrument calibration and data
reduction for an exchange on the latest calibration updates, advanced
data processing techniques and also latest results on solar system
studies. In addition, we have a number of facilities which you can use
to reduce and fine tune your data with support from the staff at the
Data Centre.

Bearing in mind the specific needs in data reduction of ISO's solar 
system observations, our initial objective for this workshop is to
support the finalisation of data reduction of individual observing
programmes for presentations at the two major conferences on solar
system objects this year:
 * Asteroids, Comets, Meteors meeting in July (Ithaca, New York)
 * Division of Planetary Sciences meeting in October (Padova, Italy)
Also, one should not forget that by August 1999 all ISO data will
have become public.

After evaluating all replies from the "First Announcement" we made
the following decision: 

 * The scientific sessions are open to all solar system related topics,
   including Planets, Satellites, Asteroids and Comets, observations
   and modeling
 * The technical sessions about instrumental effects, calibration,
   data reduction will focus only on point- or point like sources,
   observed with ISOCAM and/or ISOPHOT.
The spectrometer data will be treated separately, either in special
workshops or on individual basis. Observations of extended sources,
like zodiacal light, comet coma, comet trails, etc. will be included
in a later workshop, foreseen to take place in September 1999 in VILSPA.

Time and Location

The workshop will take place from 10-12 May 1999 at ESA's satellite
tracking station in Villafranca del Castillo near Madrid (Spain).
The sessions will start at 9:00h and end at 17:00h on all three
days. Workshop participants who wish to stay longer for extra
data processing are welcome to do so, please note this under
"comments/wishes" in the registration form.
Since our computer facilities for visitors are limited we allow
only for a total of 15 participants maximum.

The deadline for registration will be 9 Apr 1999.
Please complete the registration form (attachment 2) and send it
back to "helpdesk@iso.vilspa.esa.es" before 9 Apr 1999.
Accommodation and Transportation

Under "http://www.iso.vilspa.esa.es/users/visitors/visitors.htm"
you will find information about Hotels and the instructions about
"Getting to Vilspa". In case you need support please contact

Important dates
     5 Mar 99    Second Announcement (with agenda and date of workshop)
     9 Apr 99    Deadline for registration
 10-12 May 99    Workshop

Mo 10 May 1999   SCIENCE DAY

        09:00    * Welcome and Introduction
                 * Overview of ISO SSO observations
                 * Scientific presentations by the participants
        13:00    Lunch
        14:00    * Continuation presentations by the participants
                 * ISO archive demonstration for SSOs
                 * Additional software for SSOs
        17:00    End of first day

Tu 11 May 1999   ISOPHT DAY

        09:00    * PHT overview: instrumental effects and calibration
                 * PIA overview: focused on PHT03,PHT05,PHT22,
                                 PHT25 and PHT40
        13:00    Lunch
        14:00    * PHT data reduction: PHT40 (PHT-S spectroscopy)
                                       PHT03,PHT22 (multifilter observ.)
                                       PHT05,PHT25 (absolute photometry)
        17:00    End of sessions

We 12 May 1999   ISOCAM DAY

        09:00    * CAM overview: instrumental effects and calibration
                 * CIA overview: focused on CAM01 (staring and raster)
        13:00    Lunch
        14:00    * CAM data reduction: CAM01 (single pointing and
                                              raster scan)
                                       CAM04 (Circular Variable Filters)
        16:00    Final Discussion, Workshop summary, WWW-documentation
                 of the workshop results, plans for future
                 presentations, future collaborations, ...
        17:00    End of workshop


Thomas Mueller
Astrid Heske
Martin Burgdorf
Jean Matagne (WWW)

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Attachment 2)

 |  please send back to helpdesk@iso.vilspa.esa.es before 9 Apr 1999  |

   Registration Form

1)  Name:

    Phone:                        Fax:

2)  Do you wish to work on your own data?     Yes/No
    If 'Yes', give OBSID, PROPID and OBSMODE: 

3)  Do you wish to present some (preliminary) ISO results?   Yes/No
    If 'Yes', give author(s), title and a short abstract.

       (Presentations should include: short overview of
        the programme, the goals and the scientific outcome.
        The data reduction status and the problems should
        also be mentioned. Total time: 15-20 min)

4)  Comments/wishes:

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