New Version (v6.0) of the ISO Data Archive installed on 24/07/2003

In the afternoon of the 24th of July 2003, a new version (v6.0) of the ISO Data Archive (IDA) software was installed.

The major improvement of this new version is :

How to upload your HPDP

If you want to share the result of your ISO exploitation with the scientific community, please send an e-mail to with a short description of your data set. The ISO Data Centre will contact you shortly after and take care of the details of the ingestion. Clearly, we must to preserve some standards (e.g. in documentation, file formats) in order to facilitate the work of the ISO Data Archive user, but we will provide full support for this.

Other improvements are :

The ISO Data Archive can be accessed at .

Alberto Salama, ISO Data Centre, 24/07/2003