Space Science Reviews
ISO Special Issue Announcement

Dear ISO astronomer,

We are pleased to announce the on-line availability of the review book

"ISO science legacy - a compact review of ISO major achievements".

The book will published by Springer in 2005, as a special issue of the "Space Science Reviews" journal. The papers are however already available, although not in their final homogeneous format, at

We thought that now, at the time of the second Call for proposals for the Spitzer Space Telescope, it would be beneficial to the astronomical community to have at hand, in one single volume, a review of the main discoveries owed to the ISO satellite. The book is organised as follows: first, overviews of four major themes investigated with ISO (water in the Universe, crystalline silicates, molecular hydrogen, deep surveys), and then thirteen chapters reviewing ISO science from the solar system to the distant universe. It is not possible to gather in one book all the advances due to ISO, but we hope that this compendium of over 400 pages will give the essence of the original results obtained by the first full-fledged space infrared observatory.

We take the opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a productive 2005!

Catherine Cesarsky and Alberto Salama
Guest Editors