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List of PhD Theses related to ISO |
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Name | Title | Year | University |
Anibal Garcia | Study of the transition phase between AGB stars and PNe | 2005 | Universidad de La Laguna |
Bram Acke | Dust and gas diagnostics of the structure, dynamics and evolution of protoplanetary disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars | 2005 | University of Leuven |
Stefano Berta | Multiwavelength analyses of faint infrared galaxies | 2005 | University of Padova |
Fabrice Martins | New atmosphere models for massive stars: line-blanketing effects and wind properties of O stars | 2004 | Universite Paul Sabatier |
Jacqueline Kessler-Silacci | Gas and dust chemistry in planet-forming disks | 2004 | California Institute of Technology |
Rien Dijkstra | Water ice and silicates around evolved stars | 2004 | University of Amsterdam |
Mattia Vaccari | Space Infrared Extragalactic Surveys: Results from ISO and Future Prospects | 2004 | University of Padova |
Bruno Merín Martín | Study of Envelopes and Proto-Planetary Disks around Young Stars | 2004 | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid |
Frédéric Galliano | Étude multi-longueurs d'onde de galaxies naines proches: propriétés des milieux interstellaires de faible métallicité (Multiwavelength study of dwarf galaxies: properties of low-metallicity interstellar media) | 2004 | Université de Paris XI |
Annique Lenorzer | Near-infrared spectroscopic analysis of massive stars | 2004 | University of Amsterdam |
Thomas Posch | Astromineralogy of Circumstellar Oxide Dust | 2004 | University of Wien |
Javier R. Goicoechea | Astrofísica Molecular en el Infrarrojo Lejano: Nubes Interestelares y Circunestelares. | 2003 | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid |
Jerónimo Bernard-Salas | Physics and chemistry of gas in planetary nebulae | 2003 | University of Groningen |
Henrik Spoon | Mid-infrared spectroscopy of dusty galactic nuclei | 2003 | University of Groningen |
Daniela Coia | Infrared Observations of Clusters of Galaxies | 2003 | University College Dublin |
Oliver Krause | Die Natur kalter Quellen der ISOPHOT Zufallsdurchmusterung | 2003 | University of Heidelberg |
Annemieke Boonman | Spectroscopy of Gases around Massive Young Stars | 2003 | University of Leiden |
Roeland van Malderen | On the analysis of the IR spectra of cool giants: model atmospheres and time-dependent behaviour | 2003 | University of Leuven |
Greet Decin | A study of the occurrence and time evolution of circumstellar debris disks and their relation with planetary systems | 2003 | University of Leuven |
Deniz van Heijnsbergen | Infrared spectroscopic characterization of strongly bound gas phase clusters | 2003 | University of Nijmegen |
Pierre Chanial | A multiwavelength study of normal and starburst galaxies in the local universe | 2003 | Université de Paris VII |
Brian O'Halloran | Observations of Wolf Rayet and Starburst Galaxies with the Infrared Space Observatory | 2003 | University College Dublin |
Emeric Lefloc'h | Evolution de la formation stellaire par étude des galaxies hotes des gamma-ray bursts | 2003 | Université de Paris XI |
Eduardo Alain González Solares | Estudio de las poblaciones extragalácticas a partir de muestreos en el infrarrojo y rayos X (On the nature of the extragalactic populations from infrared and X-ray surveys) | 2003 | Universidad de La Laguna |
Shinki Oyabu | Observations of ISO far-infrared galaxies | 2003 | University of Tokyo |
James Edward Lyke | Classical novae and their contribution to galactic chemical evolution | 2003 | University of Minnesota |
Bart Vandenbussche | The ISO Short-Wavelength Spectrometer calibration and the ISO-SWS post-helium atlas of near-infrared stellar spectra | 2002 | University of Leuven |
Ciska Kemper | Mass loss and dust formation around oxygen-rich evolved stars | 2002 | University of Amsterdam |
Sacha Hony | Infrared light on the composition of the dust surrounding carbon-rich stars | 2002 | University of Amsterdam |
Caroline Van Kerckhoven | Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Diamonds around Young Stellar Objects | 2002 | University of Leuven |
Els Peeters | Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and dust in regions of massive star formation | 2002 | University of Groningen |
Leticia Martín Hernández | The galactic metallicity gradient | 2002 | University of Groningen |
Edward Polehampton | The ISO LWS high resolution spectral survey of Sagittarius B2 | 2002 | University of Oxford |
Stephan Ott | Observations of the infrared sky with the ISOCAM parallel mode | 2002 | Université de Paris VI |
Frédéric Schuller | La formation d'etoiles massives dans la Galaxie vue par le releve infrarouge ISOGAL | 2002 | Université de Paris VI |
Jacqueline V. Keane | Origin and evolution of ices around massive young stars | 2002 | University of Groningen |
Ilse van Bemmel | Dust and gas in extra-galactic radio sources | 2002 | University of Groningen |
Jan Cami | Molecular gas and dust around evolved stars | 2002 | University of Amsterdam |
Wing Fai Thi | Gas and dust around young low-mass stars: from envelopes to disks | 2002 | University of Leiden |
Ronald Vermeij | The physical structure of Magellanic Cloud HII regions | 2002 | University of Groningen |
Walfried Raab | Entwicklung und Bau des Ferninfrarotspektrometers FIFI-LS und ISO-Beobachtungen des Galaktischen Zentrums | 2002 | University of Muenchen |
George John Bendo | The Infrared Space Observatory atlas of bright spiral galaxies | 2002 | University of Hawaii |
Elizabeth Katherine Holmes | Signatures of planets: Observations and modeling of structure in the zodiacal cloud and Kuiper disk | 2002 | University of Florida |
Christopher Dennis Parkinson | Photochemistry and radiative transfer studies in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn | 2002 | York University (Canada) |
Stephan Hotzel | Die 170-um-Zufallsdurchmusterung mit ISO - Strukturen im kalten Staub der Milchstraße | 2001 | University of Heidelberg |
Petri Väisanen | Infrared properties of galaxies and constraint on galaxy evolution | 2001 | University of Helsinki |
Rita Gautschy | Spectral variability of carbon stars: A comparison between theory and observations | 2001 | University of Wien |
Emilie Habart | Couplage entre le gaz et les grains dans le milieu interstellaire | 2001 | Université de Paris VII |
Charlotte Vastel | L'oxygène dans le milieu interstellaire: l'apport des données spectroscopiques ISO/LWS | 2001 | University of Toulouse III |
Nemesio Rodríguez-Fernández | El origen del calentamiento y la quimica de las nubes del centro galactico | 2001 | Universidad Complutense Madrid |
Jeroen Bouwman | The processing and evolution of dust in Herbig Ae/Be systems | 2001 | University of Amsterdam |
Gwendolyn Meeus | A multiwavelength study of the circumstellar environment of Herbig Ae/Be stars | 2001 | University of Leuven |
Hélène Roussel | Emission en infrarouge moyen des poussières dans les galaxies spirales: liens avec la formation d'étoiles et avec la dynamique des galaxies barrées | 2001 | University of Strasbourg |
Mikako Matsuura | Observational Studies of Infrared Water-Vapor Bands in Late Type Stars | 2001 | University of Tokyo |
Csaba Kiss | Investigation of the structure of the cold interstellar matter by radio and infrared measurements | 2001 | University of Budapest |
Sven A.H. Müller | Dust in radio quiet quasars, ultra luminous infrared galaxies, radio galaxies and radio loud quasars | 2001 | University of Bochum |
Yaël Fuchs | The environment of microquasars and other high energy sources in the Galaxy | 2001 | Université de Paris XI |
Masahiko Mizutani | Physical Conditions of the Diffuse Interstellar Medium in the Active Star-forming Carina Region | 2001 | University of Tokyo |
Erika Lynne Gibb | Chemistry of massive star formation regions | 2001 | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Yuan-Tai (Anthony) Lee | Atmospheric chemistry and transport modeling in the outer solar system | 2001 | California Institute of Technology |
Donovan Louis Domingue | Mapping the infrared and hydrogen-alpha emission in mixed morphology binary galaxies | 2001 | University of Alabama |
Maohai Huang | Interstellar carbon under the influence of HII regions | 2001 | University of Boston |
Frank Molster | Crystalline silicates in circumstellar dust shells | 2000 | University of Amsterdam |
Leen Decin | Synthetic spectra of cool stars observed with the Short-Wavelength Spectrometer: improving the models and the calibration of the instrument | 2000 | University of Leuven |
Sarah J. Leeks | The Long Wavelength Spectrometer: Reduction and Interpretation of Data on W28 A2, a High-Mass Star-Forming Region | 2000 | University of London |
Bernhard Aringer | The SiO molecule in the Atmospheres and Circumstellar Envelopes of AGB stars | 2000 | University of Wien |
Hervé Dole | L'Evolution des Galaxies Infrarouges des observations cosmologiques avec ISO à une modélisation de l'infrarouge moyen au submillimétrique | 2000 | Université de Paris XI |
Michael J.D. Linden-Vørnle | Deep far infrared ISOPHOT survey in Selected Area 57 | 2000 | University of Copenhagen |
Joerg Fischera | Infrarotemission der SN 1987A nach 11 Jahren | 2000 | University of Heidelberg |
José Carlos da Cunha Lima Correia | A Far-Infrared and Submillimetre Continuum Study of Young Stellar Objects | 2000 | University of London |
Murray D. Silverstone | The Vega Phenomenon: Evolution and Multiplicity | 2000 | University of California |
Nyls Ride | Infrared Spectroscopic Investigations of Stellar Winds from Red Giants | 2000 | University of Uppsala |
Ernst Paunzen | The group of Lambda-Bootis stars | 2000 | University of Wien |
Thierry Fouchet | Physico-chimie de l'Atmosphère Jovienne à partir de l'Analyse des Données du Satellite infrarouge ISO | 2000 | Université de Paris VI |
Peter A. Zaal | Observations and Analysis of early-type stars at infrared wavelengths | 2000 | University of Amsterdam |
Dirk Rosenthal | Entwicklung eines Ferninfrarotdetektorarrays und ISO-SWS Beobachtungen molekularen Wasserstoffs im Sternentstehungsgebiet OMC-1 | 2000 | University of Muenchen |
Thomas Douvion | An infrared study of supernova remnants | 2000 | Université de Paris XI |
Karine Demyk | Interstellar Silicates: physico-chemical composition and evolution | 2000 | Université de Paris XI |
Matthew Delaney | Gamma-Ray Bursts and Wolf-Rayet Galaxies with the Infrared Space Observatory | 2000 | University College Dublin |
Aprajita Verma | Towards the Physics and Evolution of the Infrared Extragalactic Population: Analysis and Follow-up of Far-Infrared Surveys | 2000 | University of London |
Darach Watson | X-ray and Infrared Spectrometry of BL Lacs, Quasars and SMPs | 2000 | University College Dublin |
Mario van den Ancker | Circumstellar Material in Young Stellar Objects | 1999 | University of Amsterdam |
Adwin Boogert | The interplay between dust, gas, ice, and protostars | 1999 | University of Groningen |
Alessandra Contursi | Propriétés dans l'infrarouge moyen et lointain des galaxies spirales et irrégulières. | 1999 | Université de Paris VI |
Marc-Antoine Miville-Deschênes | Mid-infrared and 21 cm observations of cirrus clouds | 1999 | Université de Paris XI and Laval |
Robert H.M. Voors | Infrared studies of hot stars with dust | 1999 | University of Utrecht |
Jacco Th. van Loon | Mass loss and evolution of Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars in the Magellanic Clouds | 1999 | University of Amsterdam |
Koen Malfait | The properties and evolution of the dusty disks surrounding Herbig Ae/Be stars | 1999 | University of Leuven |
Olivier Laurent | Etude des galaxies à flambées d'étoiles et à noyau actif dans l'infrarouge moyen avec ISOCAM | 1999 | Université de Paris XI |
Aurore Bacmann | Constraints on star formation initial conditions from ISOCAM absorption observation of dense cores | 1999 | Université de Grenoble |
Hervé Aussel | Formation and evolution of galaxies in the mid-infrared | 1999 | Université de Paris VII |
Ludovic Lémonon | A multi-spectral study of galaxy clusters observed when the universe was only 2/3rd of its current age | 1999 | Université de Paris XI |
Randolf Klein | Dust in Massive Star-Forming Regions. A Case Study with the Infrared Space Observatory | 1999 | University of Jena |
Héctor Flores | Global spectral energy distribution and spectro-photometry of distant field galaxies | 1999 | Université de Paris VII |
Wako Aoki | Infrared spectroscopy of cool evolved stars with the ISO SWS | 1999 | University of Tokyo |
Jim Ingalls | Carbon gas in high galactic latitude molecular clouds | 1999 | University of Boston |
Quang Dan Tran | Emission du milieu interstellaire local et extragalactique dans l'infrarouge moyen: l'apport d'ISOCAM | 1998 | Université de Paris XI |
Rostislav Stork | Infrared and Visual Observations of Solid State Interplanetary Matter | 1998 | University of Prague |
Patricia Le Coupanec | Observations et modelisation des Bandes Diffuses et Bandes Infrarouges dans le milieu interstellaire: Confrontation a l'hypothese PAH | 1998 | Université de Paris VI |
Sabine Philipp | Infrarotbeobachtungen der Zentralregion unserer Milchstraße - Untersuchungen der Sternpopulation sowie der Verteilung und der integralen Eigenschaften von Sternen und Staub in der Region um das Galaktische Zentrum | 1998 | University of Heidelberg |
Perry A. Gerakines | Astrophysical Ices in the Laboratory and the Nature of Solid Carbon Dioxide in Molecular Clouds | 1998 | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Wei-Liang Chen | Molecular Line Emissions from the Circumstellar Outflows of Oxygen-Rich Late-Type Stars | 1998 | The John Hopkins University |
Natascha M. Foerster Schreiber | Near-infrared imaging spectroscopy and mid-infrared imaging spectroscopy of M82: revealing the nature of star formation activity in the archetypal starburst galaxy | 1998 | University of Muenchen |
Emmanuel Dartois | Spectroscopie en matrice de molécules aromatiques et de leurs ions. Evolution des grains interstellaires et des matériaux volatiles qui se déposent à la surface de ces grains. | 1998 | Université de Paris VI |
Ana Pérez-Garcia | Galaxias Seyfert: Una perspectiva con el Observatorio Espacial Infrarrojo (ISO) | 1998 | Universidad de La Laguna |
Peter van Hoof | Photo-ionization studies of nebulae | 1997 | University of Groningen |
Josef Schubert | Die Eichung des Infrarot-Gitterspektrometers in Satelliten-Experiment ISOPHOT und die Korrektur der Transienten seiner Detektoren | 1997 | University of Heidelberg |
Nicole S. van der Bliek | Stars and the calibration of infrared data | 1997 | University of Leiden |
Sybille Peschke | Comet Observation with ISOPHOT in the Far-Infrared | 1997 | University of Heidelberg |
Thomas Müller | Asteroiden als photometrische Eichquellen für den fernen Infrarotbereich | 1997 | University of Heidelberg |
Frank P. Helmich | Dense Molecular Gas around Massive Young Stars | 1996 | University of Leiden |
Stefan Bogun | Vorbereitung der Zufalls-Durchmusterung des Himmels im fernen Infraroten mit dem ISO-Satelliten | 1995 | University of Heidelberg |
Tanya Lim | The ISO Ground-Based Preparatory Programme | 1993 | Imperial College - University of London |
Bernhard Schulz | Bodenkalibration des Infrarotphotometers im Satellitenexperiment ISOPHOT | 1993 | University of Heidelberg |
Martin Burgdorf | Eine 200-micrometer Kamera zur unvollstaendigen Himmeldurchmusterung mit dem ISO-Satelliten | 1990 | University of Heidelberg |