ISO Questionnaire

Dear Colleague,

The operational phase of ISO is over; current activities here at Villafranca are focussed on capturing all the necessary information and knowledge as we make the transition to the post operational phase. The next issue of the ISO Newsletter - ISO INFO - will contain details of the plans for the next 3.5 years for supporting the community's exploitation of the ISO data and for preparing the ISO archives.

During the operational phase of ISO, you -the observers- have helped to make ISO a success because your questions and comments pointed to areas needing clarification and/or improvement. To help us prepare for the coming years, may I ask you to spend 5-10 minutes completing the attached questionnaire, which should be cut and pasted into your text editor and then returned to ''.

Thanking you in anticipation,
Best regards,

Martin Kessler,
ISO Project Scientist.

Questionnaire on ISO Services                              June 1998

General Information

Have you used ISO data?
(  ) Yes     (  ) No

If yes, instruments used: 
( ) CAM   ( ) LWS   ( ) PHT   ( ) SWS

Were you an ISO PI?
( ) Open Time    ( )Guaranteed Time ( ) Not a PI

Are you working on a long term research project with ISO Data?
(  ) Yes     (  ) No

Did you work closely with an ISO instrument Team during operations
or will you do so during the Post Operational period?
(  ) Yes     (  ) No

What WWW based archives or astronomical services do you use 
in the course of your research?
(  ) HST archive   (  ) COBE archives   (  ) IUE archive  (  ) ROSAT archive
(  ) CGRO archive  (  ) HEASARC archive (  ) NED          (  ) SIMBAD 
(  ) Irsky/IRAS services from IPAC      (  ) Other:____________________________

What type of archive access have you used?
(  ) Retrieve own data                  
(  ) Retrieve other archived data
(  ) Global analysis of archival data

What browser do you use?
(  ) Netscape 4.04 or later         (  ) other Netscape version
(  ) Internet Explorer 4 or later   (  ) other Internet Explorer version
(  ) Mosaic                         (  ) Other:______________

Do you run your browser with Java Enabled?
(  ) Yes     (  ) No

If No, why not?

What hardware do you use to run your browser:
(  ) Sun workstation  (  ) Xterminal  (  ) other unix workstation
(  ) Dec--VMS         (  ) PC         (  ) Macintosh   
(  ) Other:______________

How would you characterize your internet connection:
(  ) Very fast   (  ) Adequate   
(  ) Slow        (  ) Very slow -- I always turn graphics off
(  ) Hopeless -- I don't use the WWW because of it
Archive Services

Do you plan to use the ISO Post-operational Archive?
(  ) Yes     (  ) No

What types of queries are you likely to make?  Check all that
( ) Simple position or object name searches
( ) Searches for large lists of targets
( ) Searches for certain source classes: e.g, AGB stars, active galaxies...
( ) Searches for particular types of observations: e.g. maps, spectra...
( ) Searches for specific ISO instrument modes
( ) Searches for observations made at a particular time.
( ) Full SQL (Structured Query Language) searches

Rate the utility of the following types of quick-look data.  Use a scale
of 1 (not useful) to 5 (extremely useful):
( ) Small static image shown inline with identifying text
( ) Full or half page static image showing data in some detail
( ) Interactive tool on the WWW to "browse" quick-look data:
    i.e. zoom, pan, change scale or color table, get values.
( ) Quick download of fully processed data for local browsing.

Fully reduced data is necessarily highly processed automatically in a
mechanical fashion.  It will rarely be optimal compared to careful
hand reduction and in some cases may contain introduced errors.
Which of the following do you feel best applies to such data:
( ) They should not be available for download 
( ) They are useful for detailed asessment of the utility of the raw data
( ) They are useful for double-checking careful reductions 
( ) They may be sufficient for some purposes, e.g. quick comparison  to 
    other data for a poster paper
( ) They may be useful for for large statistical projects 
( ) If I cannot download fully reduced data, I would not use the ISO archive.
General Community Support Issues

Use a scale of 1 (dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied) to rate the
following services available during ISO Operations. Leave blank if not used.
( ) Helpdesk
( ) Observer's Manuals 
( ) Instrument Data User's Manuals (IDUMS)
( ) The WWW Home Page 
( ) Visits to SOC/PDEC

If you rated any of the above services a 1 or 2, please explain

Do any of these services require significant improvement or expansion
for post-ops?

Are there any areas which are not addressed which are needed in post-ops?

Which Data Centres do you expect to visit at least once during the
post-ops period?
( ) The ISO Data Centre,  Vilspa, Spain
( ) Centre ISO Francais, Saclay and Orsay, France 
( ) ISOPHOT Data Centre, MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany
( ) Dutch ISO Data Analysis Centre, SRON, Groenigen, The Netherlands  
( ) ISO Spectrometer Data Centre, Garching, Germany
( ) UK ISO-IRAS Support Centre, RAL, UK        
( ) US ISO Support Center, IPAC, Pasadena, CA, USA   
( ) I don't plan to visit any data centre

How long would you plan to spend at the data centre during a visit?
( ) 1 day   ( ) 2-5 days   ( ) 1 week   ( ) more than 1 week

Who would visit? (check all that apply)
( ) Self   ( ) Postdoc or collaborator   ( ) Graduate student

Would you visit the ISO Data Centre or one of the other Data Centres if
a one-week data reduction workshop relevant to your data were held?
(  ) Yes     (  ) No

Did you visit any Data Centre(s) while ISO was operating?
(  ) Yes     (  ) No

If so, which one(s)?

What service(s) would you find most helpful from a data centre during

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