Revised Implementation for ISO Proprietary Rights

The policy for proprietary rights is contained in:

No change is planned to the above policy.

Up to June 1997, the above policy has been _implemented_ by linking "usable" to "scientific validation". This implementation was put into place at a time when full scientific validation was expected for all products within a few months of the end of the Performance Verification Phase. However, the actual dates of scientific validation have been as follows:

for C01, C03, C04, L01, L02: 13/05/96 OLP v. 4.0
for S01, S02, S06, S07, P40: 18/08/96 OLP v. 5.0
for some of remaining PHT observations 05/05/97 OLP v. 6.0
for rest of remaining PHT observations TBD but around April '98.

Thus, for each programme, the key dates are (a) the date of the last observation in the programme and (b) the date(s) of scientific validation of the AOTs used. Among the consequences of the above implementation are:

Taking into account the improvements incorporated into the latest version of the pipeline (May 1997) together with: the availability of interactive (and non- interactive) analysis packages; and the number of ISO papers in, or entering, the literature, it is clear that the current pipeline products meet a reasonable definition of "usable".

Thus, the new implementation of the (unchanged) policy will be as follows:

This implementation will enter into effect immediately.

For example;

Suppose you have four observations in a programme, a CAM AOT executed in 02/96, a PHT AOT executed in 10/96, a LWS AOT executed in 02/97 and an SWS AOT executed in 06/97. You would have already received the data from the CAM, PHT and LWS observations but processed with pipelines earlier than 6.0. The SWS data would be processed with v. 6.0 and shipped to you. Over the next months, the SOC will re-process with version 6.0 or higher and re-ship all data. Thus, you would re-receive the CAM, PHT and LWS data products but from a better pipeline. Let us suppose that the CAM products arrive last. Your proprietary period for all 4 observations would then start from the date we shipped the re-processed CAM data.

Best regards,
Martin F. Kessler,
ISO Project Scientist