2.1 The Project Organisation
1.5 Document Guide
2. The ISO Project
2.1 The Project Organisation
2.2 Satellite Development
2.2.1 Industrial consortium
2.2.2 Model development and costs
2.3 Principal Investigators and Science Team
2.4 Science and Spacecraft Operations
2.5 Operational Activities
2.5.1 Launch and Early Orbit Phase
2.5.2 Commissioning Phase
2.5.3 Performance Verification Phase
2.5.4 Routine Phase
2.5.5 From end of helium to switch off
2.6 Post-Operational Activities
2.6.1 Transition Phase to Post-Operations
2.6.2 Post-Operations Phase
2.7 Active Archive Phase
2.8 Outlook: ISO and the Virtual Observatory
2.9 Chronology of the ISO Mission
ISO Handbook Volume I (GEN), Version 2.0, SAI/2000-035/Dc