List of Figures
List of Figures
List of Tables
1. Introduction
1.1 ISO - The Infrared Space Observatory
1.2 The ISO Legacy
1.3 How to Refer to the ISO Documentation
1.3.1 References
1.3.2 Acknowledgements
1.3.3 Guidelines
1.4 ISO Support
1.4.1 Data Centres
1.4.2 ISO Data Analysis Software
1.5 Document Guide
2. The ISO Project
2.1 The Project Organisation
2.2 Satellite Development
2.2.1 Industrial consortium
2.2.2 Model development and costs
2.3 Principal Investigators and Science Team
2.4 Science and Spacecraft Operations
2.5 Operational Activities
2.5.1 Launch and Early Orbit Phase
2.5.2 Commissioning Phase
2.5.3 Performance Verification Phase
2.5.4 Routine Phase
2.5.5 From end of helium to switch off
2.6 Post-Operational Activities
2.6.1 Transition Phase to Post-Operations
2.6.2 Post-Operations Phase
2.7 Active Archive Phase
2.8 Outlook: ISO and the Virtual Observatory
2.9 Chronology of the ISO Mission
3. The ISO Spacecraft
3.1 Payload Module
3.2 Service Module
3.3 Spacecraft subsystems
3.3.1 The cryostat subsystem
3.3.2 The optical subsystem
3.3.3 Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem (AOCS)
3.4 The Scientific Instruments
3.4.1 The ISO Camera: ISOCAM
3.4.2 The ISO Long Wavelength Spectrometer: LWS
3.4.3 The ISO Imaging Photo-Polarimeter: ISOPHOT
3.4.4 The ISO Short Wavelength Spectrometer: SWS
4. ISO Operations
4.1 The ISO Orbit
4.1.1 Orbit phases
4.1.2 Pointing constraints
4.2 The Ground Segment
4.2.1 Ground stations
4.2.2 The Spacecraft Control Centre (SCC)
4.2.3 The Science Operations Centre (SOC)
4.3 Observing with ISO
4.3.1 Observing strategy
4.3.2 Guaranteed time and open time programmes
4.3.3 The ISO observing cycle
4.3.4 Community Support
4.4 Overview of the Scientific Programme
4.4.1 Large survey programmes
4.4.2 Target of opportunity programmes
4.4.3 Discretionary time programmes
4.4.4 Parallel and serendipity programmes
4.5 Overview of Satellite Observing Modes
4.6 Overview of Instrument Observing Modes and AOTs
5. ISO In-Orbit Performance
5.1 Satellite Operation Performance
5.2 Cryostat Performance
5.3 Optical Performance
5.3.1 ISO Point Spread Function
5.3.2 Straylight
5.4 Pointing Performance
5.4.1 Pointing accuracy
5.4.2 Tracking of solar system objects
5.4.3 Guide stars and effects on pointing
5.5 Satellite Timing
5.6 Detector Performance
5.6.1 Radiation effects
5.6.2 Detector transients
5.7 Events and Conflicts during Operations
6. ISO Cross-Calibration
6.1 Cross-Calibration Strategy
6.1.1 Definition of cross-calibration sources
6.1.2 Limitations and caveats
6.2 Internal Cross-Calibration
6.2.1 Between the ISO spectrometers
6.2.2 Filter measurements versus spectroscopy
6.3 External Cross-Calibration
6.3.1 Comparison with IRAS
6.3.2 Comparison with MSX
6.3.3 Comparison with COBE/DIRBE
6.4 Comparison with Models
6.4.1 ISOCAM
6.4.2 LWS
6.4.4 SWS
6.5 Conclusions
7. The ISO Data Archive (IDA)
7.1 Introduction
7.2 IDA Contents
7.2.1 Off-Line products
7.2.2 Browse products after OLP
7.2.3 Highly Processed Data Products
7.2.4 Other products
7.3 Database Architecture
7.4 User Interface
7.5 Business Logic/Middle-Tier
7.6 Publication Tracking
7.7 Interoperability Aspects
7.8 Using the ISO Data Archive
7.9 Historical Aspects
7.10 IDA usage statistics
A. Infrared Astronomy
A.1 Infrared Units
A.2 Astronomical Background Radiation
A.2.1 The celestial background
A.2.2 Source Confusion
A.3 Infrared Astronomical Calibrators
B. ISO Scientific Observations
B.1 Performed Guaranteed Time Proposals
B.1.1 Solar System
B.1.2 Stellar/Circumstellar Physics
B.1.3 Interstellar Matter
B.1.4 Extragalactic Systems
B.1.5 Cosmology
B.2 Performed Open Time Proposals
B.2.1 Solar System
B.2.2 Stellar/Circumstellar Physics
B.2.3 Interstellar Matter
B.2.4 Extragalactic Systems
B.2.5 Cosmology
B.3 Performed Discretionary Time Proposals/Calibration
C. List of Solar System Objects
D. Satellite Files
D.1 Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS)
D.1.1 Primary header
D.1.2 Records
D.2 ISO Operational Guide-Star List (APHSTAR)
D.2.1 Primary header
D.2.2 Records
D.3 Aperture Pointing History (APPH)
D.3.1 Primary header
D.3.2 Records
D.4 Aperture Programmed Pointing History (APPM)
D.4.1 Primary header
D.4.2 Records
D.5 Executed Observation History per AOT (EOHA)
D.5.1 Primary header
D.5.2 Records
D.5.3 CAM AOT specific information
D.5.4 LWS AOT specific information
D.5.5 PHT AOT specific information
D.5.6 SWS AOT specific information
D.6 Continuous Executed Observation History (EOHC)
D.6.1 Primary header
D.6.2 Records
D.7 Executed Observation History per ICS (EOHI)
D.7.1 Primary header
D.7.2 Records
D.7.3 CAM AOT specific information
D.7.4 LWS AOT specific information
D.7.5 PHT AOT specific information
D.7.6 SWS AOT specific information
D.8 General Housekeeping (GEHK)
D.8.1 Primary header
D.8.2 Records
D.8.3 CAM frame 8
D.8.4 LWS frame 8
D.8.5 PHT frame 8
D.8.6 SWS frame 8
D.9 General Housekeeping (Sampled) (GSHH)
D.10 ISO Guide-Star Hipparcos Catalogue Data (HIPPARCHOS)
D.10.1 Primary header
D.10.2 Records
D.11 ISO Focal Plane Geometry (IFPG)
D.11.1 Primary header
D.11.2 Records
D.12 Instrument Instantaneous Pointing History (IIPH)
D.12.1 Primary header
D.12.2 Records
D.13 Instrument Reference Pointing History (IRPH)
D.13.1 Primary header
D.13.2 Records
D.14 ISO Star-Tracker Calibration Data (ISTR)
D.14.1 Primary header
D.14.2 Records
D.15.1 Primary header
D.15.2 Records
D.15.3 MC_ORBIT subroutine
D.16 ISO Guide-Star Tycho Catalogue Data (TYCHO)
D.16.1 Primary header
D.16.2 Records
E. IDA content details
E.1 Off-Line Products
E.1.1 Quality flags
E.2 Browse Products after OLP
E.2.1 Survey products
E.2.2 Icons and postcards
E.3 Other Products
E.3.1 Auxiliary data
E.3.2 Ancillary data
E.3.3 Observation details and associated files
E.3.4 Calibration data
E.3.5 Historical and chronological data
E.3.6 Documentation
E.3.7 Software
F. Quaternions
G. IDA SQL-Queries: Worked Examples
H. Acronyms
ISO Handbook Volume I (GEN), Version 2.0, SAI/2000-035/Dc