4.1 The ISO Orbit
3.4 The Scientific Instruments
4. ISO Operations
4.1 The ISO Orbit
4.1.1 Orbit phases
4.1.2 Pointing constraints
4.2 The Ground Segment
4.2.1 Ground stations
4.2.2 The Spacecraft Control Centre (SCC)
4.2.3 The Science Operations Centre (SOC)
4.3 Observing with ISO
4.3.1 Observing strategy
4.3.2 Guaranteed time and open time programmes
4.3.3 The ISO observing cycle
4.3.4 Community Support
4.4 Overview of the Scientific Programme
4.4.1 Large survey programmes
4.4.2 Target of opportunity programmes
4.4.3 Discretionary time programmes
4.4.4 Parallel and serendipity programmes
4.5 Overview of Satellite Observing Modes
4.6 Overview of Instrument Observing Modes and AOTs
ISO Handbook Volume I (GEN), Version 2.0, SAI/2000-035/Dc