ISO: News headlines during 1999
- ISO beyond the Peaks: Preliminary programme, List of posters & List of participants (28/Dec/1999)
- Wrong colour correction Cal-G tables for ISOPHOT (23/Dec/1999)
- Version 8.7 of the ISO OLP software released (20/Dec/1999)
- New Version (v3.0) of the ISO Data Archive installed (16/Dec/1999)
- ISO Documentation: Explanatory Library updated (15/Dec/1999)
- Additional PHT documents:
ISOPHOT Aperture Profiles and Background Measurements (15/Dec/1999)
- Additional PHT documents:
ISOPHOT Aperture Sequences on Point- and Extended Sources (15/Dec/1999)
- Additional CAM Documents:
Transient correction of the LW-ISOCAM data for low contrasted illumination (15/Dec/1999)
- Additional CAM Documents:
Polarisation Observations with ISOCAM" (15/Dec/1999)
- [Eta Carinae' - ISO tells the true story] (03/Dec/1999)
- ISO Science gallery update: Detections of H2O lines on all four giant planets and Titan (30/Nov/1999)
- PHT Instrument Page: ISOPHOT Data Users Manual (IDUM) version 4.1 (23/Nov/1999)
- ISO beyond the Peaks: Third Announcement of the Workshop (22/Nov/1999)
- Version 8.6 of the ISO OLP software released (18/Nov/1999)
- Additional PHT documents: Linearisation of ISOPHOT-P and C detector signals in OLP8 (10/Nov/1999)
- Advanced User Access to IDA: ISO Data Archive Physical Data Model (Version 2.2) (05/Nov/1999)
- New Version (v2.2) of the ISO Data Archive installed (05/Nov/1999)
- [ISO sees the golden age of galaxy formation] (04/Nov/1999)
- ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA) Software v8.1 released (04/Nov/1999)
- Additional SWS Documents: The ISO-SWS Relative Spectral Response Calibration (29/Oct/1999)
- ISO beyond the Peaks: Second Announcement of the Workshop (28/Oct/1999)
- ISO Background Articles: ISO's Astronomical Harvest Continues, Published in the ESA Bulletin Nr. 99 (22/Oct/1999)
- ISO Science gallery update: ISOCAM Contour map (LW2 & LW3) of the Cartwheel Galaxy (21/Oct/1999)
- Faster IDA access for North American astronomers (06/Oct/1999)
- [Planets, planets everywhere] (30/Sep/1999)
- [Another ice-making machine in the Solar System ? ] (29/Sep/1999)
- SWS Instrument Page: ISO's Short Wavelength spectrometer - Ultimate sensitivity (27/Sep/1999)
- ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA) Software v8.0 released (22/Sep/1999)
- ISO INFO No. 15 (Newsletter on the Infrared Space Observatory) (22/Sep/1999)
- ISO Science gallery update: PAH 6.3 micron emission feature in the Circinus Galaxy (20/Sep/1999)
- ISO beyond point sources: Proceedings: Instruction for Authors (15/Sep/1999)
- ISO beyond point sources: Hotel Map, Bus shuttle service & Workshop Dinner (10/Sep/1999)
- New Version (v2.1) of the ISO Data Archive installed (07/Sep/1999)
- SWS Instrument Page: Release Note on SWS OLP Version 8.4 (06/Sep/1999)
- PHT Instrument Page: Release Note for ISOPHOT OLP Version 8.4 (06/Sep/1999)
- ISO beyond point sources: Fourth Announcement of the workshop (Final Programme & Abstracts) (01/Sep/1999)
- ISO Satellite & General Instrumentation Page: ISO Data Product Document, Issue 11 (PDF Version) (31/Aug/1999)
- The Error Propagation of the SWS Pipeline V8.4 (31/Aug/1999)
- [ISO detects signal from dark matter in a galaxy similar to the Milky Way] (17/Aug/1999)
- ISO Science gallery update: SWS Observations of NGC891 (17/Aug/1999)
- [Eclipse Riders in the Sky] (13/Aug/1999)
- Advanced User Access to IDA: ISO Data Archive Physical Data Model (Version 2.0) (11/Aug/1999)
- ISO Background Articles: The ISO Data Archive, Published in the ESA Bulletin Nr. 98 (10/Aug/1999)
- Other ISO Pages on the WEB: release of updated ELAIS WWW site, and Quick Look Analysis data products (10/Aug/1999)
- Workshop on ISOPHOT P22 and P40 raster observations: Agenda and Second Announcement of the workshop (09/Aug/1999)
- [Irish ESA astronomer will chase the eclipse in a plane from Dublin] (03/Aug/1999)
- Workshop on ISO Polarisation Observations: Proceedings (03/Aug/1999)
- Additional ISO Documents: Post-Operations Cross-Calibration Status Report (28/Jul/1999)
- ISO beyond the Peaks: First Announcement of the Workshop (28/Jul/1999)
- ISO Handbook page: ISO Handbook Volume III (CAM), Version 1.0 (22/Jul/1999)
- New Version (v2.0) of the ISO Data Archive installed (20/Jul/1999)
- Additional LWS Documents: On Board Software User Document: Sampling List Content (16/Jul/1999)
- LWS Instrument Page: Data Reduction & Analysis Recipes for LWS (Courtesy of IPAC) (14/Jul/1999)
- ISO beyond point sources: Third Announcement of the workshop (09/Jul/1999)
- Additional CAM Documents: Report on the Behaviour of ISOCAM LW Darks (09/Jul/1999)
- ISO Workshop on Solar System Objects: ISO Observations of Solar System Objects page (02/Jul/1999)
- Workshop on ISOPHOT P22 and P40 raster observations: First Announcement of the workshop (30/Jun/1999)
- Additional PHT Documents: Point spread function fractions related to the ISOPHOT C100 and C200 arrays (29/Jun/1999)
- ISO Data Archive back on line! (24/Jun/1999)
- ISO Science gallery update: ISOCAM-CVF Spectral Images of the Planetary Nebulae NGC 6720 (22/Jun/1999)
- ISO Science gallery update: ISOPHOT observations of circumstellar disks around Young Star Objects (11/Jun/1999)
- 89.3% of ISO Science Observations are now in the Public Domain! (07/Jun/1999)
- [Key mechanism for star formation found?] (02/Jun/1999)
- CAM Instrument Page: Version 8 of CAM's OLP (31/May/1999)
- PHT Instrument Page: Long-term Responsivity Stability of ISOPHOT-S (28/May/1999)
- ISO beyond point sources: Second Announcement of the workshop (25/May/1999)
- New Version (v1.3) of the ISO Data Archive installed (19/May/1999)
- Workshop on ISO Polarisation Observations: Final Announcement (14/May/1999)
- [From Near Earth Asteroids to water on Mars - astronomers review latest ISO results] (11/May/1999)
- ISO Workshop on Solar System Objects: Final Agenda (07/May/1999)
- Caveats on the ISO Data Archive: Error in multi-line (>33) SWS postcards (07/May/1999)
- ISO Science gallery update: ISO map image of Andromeda galaxy (M31) (07/May/1999)
- ISO Scientific Publications page update (07/May/1999)
- Multimedia Page: New Adventures in Infrared Astronomy (Courtesy of the Museum Victoria) (05/May/1999)
- [ISO: in from the cold], extracted from the ESA Brochure BR-147: Success story - 30 discoveries from ESA's science missions in space (03/May/1999)
- [Astronomers debate diamonds in space] (23/Apr/1999)
- [Cientificos espaņoles debaten la existencia de diamantes en el espacio] (23/Apr/1999)
- PHT Instrument Page: The ISOPHOT Error Budgets: Derive_SPD Processing Steps (21/Apr/1999)
- Workshop on ISO Polarisation Observations: Second Announcement (20/Apr/1999)
- Additional PHT Documents: Transients effects in ISOPHOT data: status of modelling and correction procedures (15/Apr/1999)
- Additional PHT Documents: A Software Package for Automatic Reduction of ISOPHOT Calibration Data (14/Apr/1999)
- CAM Instrument Page: Ultimate Sensitivity with ISOCAM (30/Mar/1999)
- SWS Instrument Page: ISO-SWS data analysis (30/Mar/1999)
- LWS, SWS and PHT Quick Look Products have been regenerated (26/Mar/1999)
- New Version (v1.2) of the ISO Data Archive installed (24/Mar/1999)
- ISO beyond point sources: First Announcement of the workshop (24/Mar/1999)
- CAM Instrument Page: A combined approach for detection and deconvolution (13/Mar/99)
- ISO INFO No. 14 (Newsletter on the Infrared Space Observatory). (11 March 1999)
- PHT Instrument Page: ISOPHOT - Photometric Calibration of Point Sources. (10/Mar/1999)
- PHT Instrument Page: Calibration of ISOPHOT-S Chopped Measurements (09/Mar/1999)
- CAM Instrument Page: Modelling the transient effects in the IR array of the SW channel of ISOCAM (08/Mar/1999)
- ISO Workshop on Solar System Objects: Second Announcement (05/Mar/1999)
- [ISO confirms that the normal matter in the universe is not enough to cause a 'Big Crunch'] (05/Mar/1999)
- ISO Science gallery update: Deuterium in the Orion Nebula (05/Mar/1999)
- Workshop on ISO Polarisation Observations: First Announcement (02/Mar/1999)
- [ISO opens its goldmine of data to all scientists] (28/Feb/1999)
- CAM Instrument Page: New method to correct ISOCAM-LW transient effects: First results (23/Feb/1999)
- CAM Instrument Page: Transient correction of the ISOCAM data with the Fouks-Schubert model: first results (23/Feb/1999)
- ISO Science gallery update: First known infrared-bright gravitational arcs (18/Feb/1999)
- [Asteroid named after ESA astronomer, as a reward for his discoveries] (17/Feb/1999)
- SWS Grating resolution and instrumental profile: Current uncertainties and a request for help (09/Feb/1999)
- ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA) Software v7.3 released (08/Feb/1999)
- ISO Workshop on Solar System Objects: First Announcement (05/Feb/1999)
- New Version of the ISO Data Archive installed (29/Jan/1999)
- The Infrared Space Observatory observed from earth! (27/Jan/1999)
- ISO Satellite & General Instrumentation Page: ISO Data Product Document, Issue 10. (14/Jan/1999)
- CAM Instrument Page: From a ``Launch Readiness'' System to an Astronomical Data Processing System -- a Review of Four Years of CIA Development (08/Jan/1999)