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4.1 Responsivity
4.1.1 Absolute flux calibration
The absolute flux calibration of the ISOCAM instrument is based on
observations of standard stars, which are believed to be the most
reliable calibration sources in the 2-18
m ISOCAM wavelength
range. Before and during the ISO operations, Spectral Energy
Distributions (SEDs) were provided by Martin Cohen
(Cohen et al. 1992, [18]; 1995, [19]
and 1996, [20]) and through an extensive pre-launch
`Ground Based Preparatory Programme' (GBPP), led by Prof. Harm Habing
(Jourdain de Muizon & Habing 1992, [39];
van der Bliek et al. 1992, [61];
Hammersley et al. 1998, [36] and Hammersley &
Jourdain de Muizon 2001, [37]).
Later, additional SEDs were provided by Dr. Leen Decin who, through an
iterative process using SWS data, produced a set of MARCS
model synthetic spectra (Decin 2001, [25]; Decin et al.
2003a, [26]).
The absolute flux calibration of the various models delivered is
estimated to be better than 3%. A discussion on a comparison of the
different provided models can be found in Decin 2001,
The determination of the CVF Spectral Response Function (SRF) is
discussed in Section 4.8.
The fixed filters calibration relied mainly on the model spectra from
the GBPP. In the GBPP, Kurucz models were fitted to the visible and
data to provide flux densities at longer wavelengths. Mostly, early-
or intermediate-type stars were selected (A, F, G) and not late-type
giants which can
show strong molecular absorption band features which are not well
addressed in the Kurucz models (Blommaert 1998, [10]).
A wide range of stars with different flux densities was used (ranging
from 10 mJy up to 10 Jy). In order to be able to revisit the stars
regularly, they were selected from a region of sky with an almost
100% visibility to ISO (R.A.
hrs, DEC
Because of the high sensitivity of ISOCAM and the resulting higher
risk for saturation, generally weaker and thus somewhat less well
studied standard stars were observed. For cross-calibration with
other (ISO) instruments some of the brighter calibration stars were
observed in the few filters which did not saturate the camera for
such bright sources.
The flux calibration observations were done in staring mode with the
source at the centre of the array. Data analysis of the standard
star measurements was performed within the CIA package and followed
a standard procedure, including: deglitching (method=`temp'),
averaging the frames on the stabilised part of the measurement,
flat-field correction and background subtraction.
A more detailed description of the observations and the selection of
the standard stars used for the calibration of the fixed filters can
be found in Blommaert 1998, [10] and Blommaert et al.
2000, [11]; 2001b, [13].
The conversion from measured signal in ADU/G/s to flux
density in Jy is conveyed in the so-called SENSITIV parameter which
can be found in the calibration file CCG*SPEC (see
Section 6.1.6). The conversion factor is given for
the reference wavelength of each filter, assuming a
spectrum. Formally the reference wavelengths are arbitrary and they
have been chosen so that they clearly identify each filter and
are easy to remember. Some reference wavelengths (for the
filters: SW1, SW2, LW6, LW8 and LW10) are chosen for comparison with
the ISOPHOT filters. The LW10 filter gives also a direct comparison
with the 12
m IRAS filter. For further details see
Moneti et al. 1997, [42].
Tables 4.1 and 4.2 give the the
reference wavelengths and the values of the SENSITIV parameter for
the LW and SW filters, respectively. The observed spread
in the SENSITIV parameter, also indicated in these tables, is caused by
two factors. One is the
uncertainty in the extrapolation of the near-infrared fluxes on the
basis of the Kurucz models. The second is the difference in stabilisation of
the signal of the various observed calibration stars. Although
special care was taken to ensure that the signal had stabilised,
uncertainties of the order of 5% remain.
Table 4.1:
Filter |
Mean |
rms |
[ m] |
[ADU/G/s/mJy] |
[%] |
LW1 |
4.5 |
0.77 |
4.1 |
LW2 |
6.7 |
2.32 |
3.3 |
LW3 |
14.3 |
1.96 |
4.8 |
LW4 |
6.0 |
0.78 |
7.5 |
LW5 |
6.8 |
0.35 |
7.5 |
LW6 |
7.7 |
1.03 |
6.4 |
LW7 |
9.6 |
1.33 |
6.7 |
LW8 |
11.3 |
0.78 |
5.4 |
LW9 |
14.9 |
0.65 |
2.8 |
LW10 |
12.0 |
4.23 |
3.9 |
Table 4.2:
Filter |
Mean |
rms |
[ m] |
[Adu/G/s/mJy] |
[%] |
SW1 |
3.6 |
0.41 |
4.6 |
SW2 |
3.3 |
0.12 |
4.9 |
SW3 |
4.5 |
0.26 |
3.4 |
SW4 |
2.8 |
0.30 |
2.9 |
SW5 |
4.0 |
0.77 |
4.8 |
SW6 |
3.7 |
0.19 |
6.0 |
SW7 |
3.0 |
0.16 |
4.5 |
SW8 |
4.05 |
0.038 |
7.2 |
SW9 |
3.9 |
0.074 |
5.8 |
SW10 |
4.6 |
0.092 |
2.5 |
SW11 |
4.26 |
0.058 |
5.5 |
4.1.2 Trends in the responsivity
The responsivity was monitored through the mission by regularly
observing the star HIC 89474 (= HR 6847) (Blommaert 1998,
Filters used were LW2, LW10 and SW3.
The same source was also observed throughout the spacecraft
orbit, to check for possible variations as a function of the orbit phase.
Figure 4.1 shows all the LW2 photometric
measurements of
HIC 89474 as a function of time since instrument activation,
following passage of the satellite
through the Van Allen belts. There is a trend
of decreasing responsivity with time since activation. The difference
between the response at the start of the revolution and at the end is
about 6%. This value is included in the CCGLWLOSS calibration file
(see Section 6.1).
Figure 4.2 shows the LW2 photometry,
corrected for the in-orbit trend in responsivity, and running up to
revolution 801. The difference between the maximum and minimum level
is less than 10% and the overall rms is 2%. There is no
trend in the responsivity as a function of time through the mission,
the only trend being the intra-revolution drift already described.
The same conclusion holds for the LW10 measurements (and concerning the
in-orbit trend, also for LW1 which was observed repeatedly on revolution
349) so that we believe that this is the general behaviour of the
LW detector. SW also shows only a small variation throughout the mission
(rms = 2%) and no significant trend is found.
Figure 4.1:
Photometry in the LW2 filter of HIC 89474
as a function of time since activation.
There is a trend of decreasing responsivity along
the orbit.
Figure 4.2:
Photometry in the LW2 filter of HIC 89474 throughout
the mission as a function of revolution number. The
photometry is corrected for the decrease of responsivity
which occurred throughout the orbit. No significant change
in responsivity through the mission is found.
The response of the detectors was also monitored throughout the
mission by measuring the ICD during each de-activation sequence at the
end of a revolution. The trend analysis shows that the SW responsivity
was very stable and decreased by at most 0.5% over the mission
(Gallais & Boulade 1998, [35];
Boulade & Gallais 2000, [14]). The mean
level of the LW `flat-field' measurements showed a slow decrease of
about 0.8% per 100 revolutions. With these measurements it is
difficult to distinguish the trend of the responsivity of the
detector from any trend in the ICD emissivity. Considering the fact
that the measurements of standard stars did not show such a decrease
it seems likely that this effect comes from a change in
characteristics of the LW ICD itself.
4.1.3 Responsivity and observing parameters
Observations were made to test whether any relationship could be
found between the responsivity and different configurations of the
No, or only marginal, differences were found between different pfov's
or different on-chip integration times for both
detectors (Blommaert 1998, [10]; Blommaert et al.
2000, [11]).
Next: 4.2 Dark Current
Up: 4. Calibration and Performance
Previous: 4. Calibration and Performance
ISO Handbook Volume II (CAM), Version 2.0, SAI/1999-057/Dc