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13.4 AAR Product Types

13.4.1 Rationale behind product design

The AAR products represent fully processed data, therefore each AAR product reflects not only the PHT subinstrument used but also the mode of operation. The definition of products necessarily involves a compromise between a number of conflicting desires. The naming convention for PHT Auto-Analysis products is to use the product type $PdAt$, where:

The following table summarises the products that are associated with each AOT:

PHT17/18/19 PPAP, PPAE
PHT37/38/39 PCAP, PCAE

In case of rectangular chopped observations, the spacecraft pointing is exactly in between the two chopper positions (see Sections 2.8 and 3.10). For these PHT specific observations, the general auto-analysis header contains the pointing keywords CONSCRA and CONSCDEC. These keywords give the actual source position of the on-source chopper beam.

13.4.2 Product PPAP

PPAP is the standard product for PHT-P photometry AOTs when observing a point source. It contains the flux densities for each of the filters and/or apertures used.

  Origin:         PHT03, PHT04, PHT05, PHT17, PHT18, PHT19
  Units:          Jy
  Format:         FITS binary table file
  Limitations:    No colour correction performed.
                  Photometry with non-standard apertures is not scientifically

The following product specific header keywords are present:

FIELD    T Description					 Comment
FILTERn	 C Filter		 			 n=1 to number of filters used
APERn 	 C Aperture 		 			 n=1 to number of apertures used
EXFLUXn	 R Expected source flux 			 in Jy, AOT input parameter
UNCFLXn	 R Uncertainty 					 in Jy, AOT input parameter
MXBACKn	 R Expected Maximum background 			 in MJy/sr, AOT input parameter
SBACKn 	 R Flux density of source plus background 	 in Jy
SBACKUn	 R Uncertainty 					 in Jy
BACKn 	 R Measured background intensity 		 in MJy/sr, 0 if staring measurement
LAMBDAn	 R Central wavelength 		 		 n is the record number 
SOURCEn	 R Flux density of source			 in Jy, only in case of chopper mode
SOURCUn	 R Uncertainty					 in Jy, only in case of chopper mode
NORMCALC L TRUE if signal ratio calculated 		 only in case of PHT04 
NRMFLXn	 R relative background subtracted flux ratio 	 only in case PHT04
NMFLXUn	 R Uncertainty				 	 only in case of PHT04

Record length: 80

FIELD    Off N T   Description					Comment
PPAPFILT 0   1 I*4 Filter ID (CHW3 position)		
PPAPAPER 4   1 I*4 Aperture ID (CHW2 position)		
PPAPNBCK 8   1 I*4 Number of background reference positions
PPAPSRCE 12  1 R*4 Source flux					in Jy
PPAPSRCU 16  1 R*4 Uncertainty					in Jy
PPAPSRCB 20  1 R*4 Source surface brightness			in MJy/sr
PPAPSCBU 24  1 R*4 Uncertainty					in MJy/sr
PPAPBACK 28  1 R*4 Background for given aperture 		in Jy
PPAPBCKU 32  1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in Jy
PPAPSPB  36  1 R*4 Source plus background 			in Jy
PPAPSPBU 40  1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in Jy
PPAPSBB  44  1 R*4 Source plus background surface brightness	in MJy/sr
PPAPSBBU 48  1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PPAPBCK1 52  1 R*4 Background reference1			in Jy
PPAPBK1U 56  1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in Jy
PPAPBCK2 60  1 R*4 Background reference2			in Jy
PPAPBK2U 64  1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in Jy
PPAPBINT 68  1 R*4 Mean background intensity 			in MJy/sr
PPAPBINU 72  1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PPAPNCYC 78  1 I*4 Number of accepted chopper cycles

13.4.3 Product PPAE

PPAE is the standard product for PHT-P photometry AOTs when observing an extended source. It contains the surface brightness for each of the filters and/or apertures used.

  Origin:         PHT03, PHT04, PHT05, PHT17, PHT18, PHT19
  Units:          MJy/sr
  Format:         FITS binary table file
  Limitations:    No colour correction performed.
                  Photometry from chopped observations is not scientifically
                  Surface brightness obtained with non-standard apertures is
                  not scientifically validated.

The following product specific header keywords are present:

FIELD	 T Description					Comment
FILTERn	 C Filter 		 			n is the record number
APERn 	 C Aperture 		
LAMBDAn	 R Central wavelength 				n is the record number 
EXFLUXn	 R Expected source brightness 			in MJy/sr, AOT input parameter
UNCFLXn	 R Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr, AOT input parameter
MXBACKn	 R Expected Maximum background 			in MJy/sr, AOT input parameter
SBBRTn 	 R Brightness of source+background 		in MJy/sr
SBBRTUn	 R Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
BACKn 	 R Measured background intensity 		in MJy/sr, value=0, if staring measurement
SBRTn 	 R Source brightness				in MJy/sr
SBRTUn 	 R Uncertainty, only in case of chopper mode	in MJy/sr
NORMCALC L TRUE if signal ratio calculated 		only in for PHT04 
NRMFLXn	 R relative background subtracted flux ratio	only for PHT04
NMFLXUn	 R Uncertainty					only for PHT04

Record length: 72

FIELD	 Off N T   Description					Comment
PPAEFILT 0   1 I*4 Filter ID (CHW3 position)
PPAEAPER 4   1 I*4 Aperture ID (CHW2 position)
PPAENBCK 8   1 I*4 Number of background reference positions
PPAESRCE 12  1 R*4 Source brightness				in MJy/sr
PPAESRCU 16  1 R*4 Uncertainty					in MJy/sr
PPAEFLUX 20  1 R*4 Source flux density				in Jy
PPAEFLXU 24  1 R*4 Uncertainty					in Jy
PPAEBACK 28  1 R*4 Background for given aperture		in MJy/sr
PPAEBCKU 32  1 R*4 Uncertainty					in MJy/sr
PPAESPB  36  1 R*4 Source plus background			in MJy/sr
PPAESPBU 40  1 R*4 Uncertainty					in MJy/sr
PPAESBFX 44  1 R*4 Source plus background flux density		in Jy
PPAESBFU 48  1 R*4 Uncertainty					in Jy
PPAEBCK1 52  1 R*4 Background reference1			in MJy/sr
PPAEBK1U 56  1 R*4 Uncertainty					in MJy/sr
PPAEBCK2 60  1 R*4 Background reference2			in MJy/sr
PPAEBK2U 64  1 R*4 Uncertainty					in MJy/sr
PPAENCYC 68  1 I*4 Number of accepted chopper cycles

13.4.4 Product PCAP

PCAP is the standard product for PHT-C photometry AOTs when observing a point source. It contains the flux densities for each of the filters used.

  Origin:         PHT22, PHT25, PHT37, PHT38, PHT39
  Units:          Jy
  Format:         FITS binary table file
  Limitations:    No colour correction performed.

The following product specific header keywords are present:

FIELD	 T Description					Comment
FILTERn  C Filter (n is the record number). 		
EXFLUXn  R Expected source flux 			in Jy, AOT input parameter
UNCFLXn  R Uncertainty 					in Jy, AOT input parameter
MXBACKn  R Expected Maximum background 			in MJy/sr, AOT input parameter
SBACKn 	 R Flux density of source plus background 	in Jy
SBACKUNn R Uncertainty 					in Jy
BACKn 	 R Measured background 				in MJy/sr, value=0, if staring measurement
LAMBDAn  R Central wavelength				n is the record number
SOURCEn  R Flux density of source 			in Jy, only in case of chopper mode
SOURCUn  R Uncertainty					in Jy, only in case of chopper mode

Record length: 560

FIELD    Off N T Description					Comment
PCAPFILT   0 1 I*4 Filter ID (CHW2 position)
PCAPNBCK   4 1 I*4 Number of background reference positions
PCAPNPIX   8 1 I*4 Number of pixels defined
PCAPSRCE  12 9 R*4 Source flux 					in Jy
PCAPSRCU  48 9 R*4 Uncertainty 					in Jy
PCAPSRCB  84 9 R*4 Source surface brightness 			in MJy/sr
PCAPSCBU 120 9 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAPSPB  156 9 R*4 Source plus background 			in Jy
PCAPSPBU 192 9 R*4 Uncertainty 					in Jy
PCAPSBB  228 9 R*4 Source plus background surface brightness    in MJy/sr
PCAPSBBU 264 9 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAPB1 	 300 9 R*4 Background at off position 1 		in MJy/sr
PCAPB1U  336 9 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAPB2 	 372 9 R*4 Background at off position 2 		in MJy/sr
PCAPB2U  408 9 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAPPEAK 444 1 R*4 Fitted source peak 				in Jy, from Gaussian fitting
PCAPPKU  448 1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in Jy
PCAPBCKS 452 1 R*4 Background at source position 		in Jy
PCAPBKSU 456 1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in Jy
PCAPBCK1 460 1 R*4 Avg. Background at off position 1 		in Jy
PCAPBK1U 464 1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in Jy
PCAPBCK2 468 1 R*4 Avg. Background at off position 2 		in Jy
PCAPBK2U 472 1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in Jy
PCAPBINS 476 1 R*4 On-source background intensity 		in MJy/sr
PCAPBISU 480 1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAPBIN1 484 1 R*4 Off-source background intensity 1 		in MJy/sr
PCAPBI1U 488 1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAPBIN2 492 1 R*4 Off-source background intensity 2 		in MJy/sr
PCAPBI2U 496 1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAPOFF  500 2 R*4 (x,y) offset of source peak			in arcsec,  see Section 8.4.5-
PCAPOFFU 508 2 R*4 (x,y) uncertainty in offset			in arcsec,  for Gaussian fit
PCAPFITU 516 1 R*4 Uncertainty of Gaussian fit 			in Jy
PCAPSTAT 520 1 I*4 Fit status
PCAPNCYC 524 9 I*4 Number of accepted chopper cycles

13.4.5 Product PCAE

PCAE is the standard product for PHT-C photometry AOTs when observing an extended source. It contains the surface brightness for each of the filters used.

  Origin:         PHT22, PHT25, PHT37, PHT38, PHT39
  Units:          MJy/sr
  Format:         FITS binary table file
  Limitations:    No colour correction performed.

The following product specific header keywords are present:

FIELD   T Description 					Comment
FILTERn C Filter (n is the record number)		
EXFLUXn R Expected source brightness 			in MJy/sr, AOT input parameter
UNCFLXn R Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr, AOT input parameter
MXBACKn R Expected Maximum background 			in MJy/sr, AOT input parameter
LAMBDAn R Central wavelength				n is the record number
SBBRTn 	R Brightness of source plus background 		in MJy/sr
SBBRTUn R Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
BACKn 	R Measured background intensity 		in MJy/sr
SBRTn 	R Source brightness				in MJy/sr
SBRTUn 	R Uncertainty, only in case of chopper mode 	in MJy/sr

Record length: 504

FIELD    Off N T   Description					Comment
PCAEFILT   0 1 I*4 Filter ID (CHW2 position)
PCAENBCK   4 1 I*4 Number of background reference positions
PCAENPIX   8 1 I*4 Number of pixels defined
PCAESRCE  12 9 R*4 Source brightness 				in MJy/sr
PCAESRCU  48 9 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAEFLUX  84 9 R*4 Source flux density 				in Jy
PCAEFLXU 120 9 R*4 Uncertainty 					in Jy
PCAESPB  156 9 R*4 Source plus background 			in MJy/sr
PCAESPBU 192 9 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAESBFX 228 9 R*4 Source plus background flux density 		in Jy
PCAESBFU 264 9 R*4 Uncertainty 					in Jy
PCAEB1 	 300 9 R*4 Background reference 1 			in MJy/sr
PCAEB1U  336 9 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAEB2 	 372 9 R*4 Background reference 2 			in MJy/sr
PCAEB2U  408 9 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAEBACK 444 1 R*4 Average background 				in MJy/sr
PCAEBCKU 448 1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAEBCK1 452 1 R*4 Avg. background at off position 1 		in MJy/sr
PCAEBK1U 456 1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAEBCK2 460 1 R*4 Avg. background at off position 2 		in MJy/sr
PCAEBK2U 464 1 R*4 Uncertainty 					in MJy/sr
PCAENCYC 468 9 I*4 Number of accepted chopper cycles

13.4.6 Product PGAI

PGAI is the standard product for a photometric image. It contains a map of surface brightness.

  Origin:         PHT03, PHT22, PHT32
  Units:          MJy/sr
  Format:         FITS Image
  Limitations:    Maps obtained with PHT03 (using PHT-P subsystems) and
                  PHT32 are not scientifically validated.

The following product specific header keywords are present:

FIELD  T Description		 Comment
NAXIS	 3 number of axes		
NAXIS1	 I Number of pixels per row of image		
NAXIS2	 I Number of pixels per column of image		
NAXIS3	 I Number of measurements (wavelengths)		
BUNIT 	 C Units in map		 			MJy/sr
CTYPE1 	 C Right Ascension				in degrees
CTYPE2 	 C Declination					in degrees
CTYPE3 	 C wavelength		
BLANK 	 I Blank value 					value used: -987654322
CRPIX1 	 R Pixel origin of RA-axis 			image centre
CRPIX2 	 R Pixel origin of DEC-axis 			image centre
CRPIX3 	 R 		n/a 
CRVAL1 	 R Right Ascension of raster centre		in degrees
CRVAL2 	 R Declination of raster centre			in degrees
CRVAL3 	 R Wavelength index			
CD1_1 	 R Pixel size					in degrees
CD1_2 	 R 						set to 0.0 
CD1_3 	 R 						set to 0.0 
CD2_1 	 R 						set to 0.0 
CD2_2 	 R Pixel size					in degrees
CD2_3 	 R 						set to 0.0 
CD3_1 	 R 						set to 0.0 
CD3_2 	 R 						set to 0.0 
CD3_3 	 R index			 		set to 1.0
CUNIT1 	 R RA units		
CUNIT2 	 R Dec units		
CUNIT3 	 R Wavelength index				unity
CDELT1 	 R Pixel size					in degrees
CDELT2 	 R Pixel size					in degrees
CDELT3 	 R Index		
CROTA1 	 R Position angle of first axis 		(=0)
CROTA2 	 R Position angle of second axis 		(=0)
CROTA3 	 R						n/a 
APERTURE C Aperture		 			(if PHT-P) 
FILTERn	 C Filter 					n=number of filters
LAMBDAn	 R Central Wavelength of filter 		in m
EXBRGTn	 R Expected maximum brightness 			in MJy/sr, AOT input parameter
DATAMIN	 R Minimum brightness 				in MJy/sr, minimum for all filters
DATAMAX	 R Maximum brightness 				in MJy/sr, maximum for all filter
SBRMAXn	 R Maximum brightness for filtern		in MJy/sr
SBRMINn	 R Minimum brightness for filtern		in MJy/sr
FFPiFn 	 R Flat-field factor for pixel i of filter n		 
Note: The header keywords CD$n$_$i$ and CUNIT$i$ with $n=$1,2,3 and $i=$1,2,3 have been introduced to accomodate the FITS world coordinate system. To be compatible with other (older) systems the keywords CDELT$i$ and CROTA$i$ have also been included in the header. Similar headers are implemented for the PGAU and PGAT products.


AXIS no LENGTH	 Description		 Comment
1   	N1 	 Points per raster line 		  
2   	N2 	 Number of lines 		 
3   	N3 	 Filters 		 detector

13.4.7 Product PGAU

PGAU is an accompanying product for a photometric image. It contains a map of uncertainty in the surface brightness as found in product PGAI.

  Origin:         PHT03, PHT22, PHT32
  Units:          MJy/sr
  Format:         primary FITS file containing a real array
  Limitations:    Maps obtained with PHT03 (using PHT-P subsystems) and
                  PHT32 are not scientifically validated.

The product specific header keywords and image axis are the same as for PGAI, except for:

FIELD   T Description				Comment
DATAMIN	R Minimum uncertainty			in MJy/sr, for all filters
DATAMAX	R Maximum uncertainty			in MJy/sr, for all filters
SBUMAXn R Maximum brightness uncertainty	in MJy/sr, for filter n
SBUMINn R Minimum brightness uncertainty	in MJy/sr, for filter n

13.4.8 Product PGAT

This is an accompanying product for a photometric image. It contains a map of the exposure time as measured in product PGAI.

  Origin:         PHT03, PHT22, PHT32.
  Units:          Seconds
  Format:         primary FITS file containing a real array
  Limitations:    Maps obtained with PHT03 (using PHT-P subsystems) and
                  PHT32 are not scientifically validated.

The product specific header keywords and image axis are the same as for PGAI, except for:

FIELD    T Description		Comment
EXPMINn  R Minimum exposure	in s
EXPMAXn  R Maximum exposure	in s
DATAMAX  R Maximum exposure	in s, for all filters
DATAMIN  R Maximum exposure	in s, for all filters
DATAAVGn R Average exposure	for filter n

13.4.9 Product PPAS

This is the photometric table product for PHT-P raster maps. The data serve as input for alternative image reconstruction algorithms. Each record contains the surface brightness and sky coordinates for each sampled position. The records are ordered in time according to the raster scan, records of a next filter are appended to the ones of the previous.

  Origin:         PHT03
  Units:          MJy/sr
  Format:         FITS binary table file
  Limitations:    Maps obtained with PHT03 (using PHT-P subsystems) are not
                  scientifically validated.

The following product specific header keywords are present:

FIELD   T Description			Comment
FPCMODE C Chopper mode 		
APERTRn C Aperture 			n is the record
FILTERn C Filter identifier 	
EXFLUXn R Expected source brightness 	in Jy, AOT input parameter
UNCFLXn R Uncertainty 			in Jy, AOT input parameter
MXBACKn R Max.expected background 	in MJy/sr, AOT input parameter
MXBRGTn R Measured maximum brightness 	in MJy/sr
UNBRGTn R Uncertainty 			in MJy/sr
LAMBDAn R Central wavelength		

Record length: 48 bytes

FIELD    Off N T   Description			Comment
PPASFILT 0   1 I*4 Filter ID (CHW3 position)
PPASRA 	 4   1 R*4 Right Ascension		in degrees
PPASRAU  8   1 R*4 Uncertainty			in degrees
PPASDEC  12  1 R*4 Declination			in degrees
PPASDECU 16  1 R*4 Uncertainty			in degrees
PPASROLL 20  1 R*4 Roll angle			in degrees
PPASROLU 24  1 R*4 Uncertainty			in degrees
PPASBRGT 28  1 R*4 Surface brightness 		in MJy/sr
PPASBRGU 32  1 R*4 Uncertainty 			in MJy/sr
PPASFLUX 36  1 R*4 Flux density 		in Jy
PPASFLXU 40  1 R*4 Uncertainty 			in Jy
PPASSTAT 44  1 I*1 Status flag 			from SPD
PPASFILL 45  3 I*1 Filler

13.4.10 Product PCAS

This is the photometric table product for PHT-C raster maps. The data serve as input for alternative image reconstruction algorithms. Each record contains the surface brightness and sky coordinates for each sampled position. The records are ordered in time according to the raster scan, records of a next filter are appended to the ones of the previous. For PHT32 observations each record contains data of a chopper plateau.

  Origin:         PHT22, PHT32
  Units:          MJy/sr
  Format:         FITS binary table file
  Limitations:    Uncertainties in coordinates are not available.
                  Maps obtained with PHT32 are not scientifically validated.

The following product specific keywords are present:

FPCMODE	C Chopper mode 			(ST= staring, RE= rectangular,
					SW= sawtooth, TR= triangular
FILTERn	C Filter identifier 		see Section A.1
EXFLUXn	R Expected source brightness 	in MJy/sr, AOT input parameter
UNCFLXn	R Uncertainty 			in MJy/sr, AOT input parameter
MXBRGTn	R Measured maximum brightness 	in MJy/sr
UNBRGTn	R Uncertainty 			in MJy/sr
LAMBDAn	R Central wavelength 		n is the record number
MXBACKn	R Max expected background 	in MJy/sr

Record length: 192 bytes

FIELD    Off N T   Description				Comment
PCASFILT 0   1 I*4 Filter ID (CHW2 position)
PCASRA 	 4   1 R*4 Right Ascension			in degrees
PCASRAU  8   1 R*4 Uncertainty				in degrees
PCASDEC  12  1 R*4 Declination				in degrees
PCASDECU 16  1 R*4 Uncertainty				in degrees
PCASROLL 20  1 R*4 Roll angle				in degrees
PCASROLU 24  1 R*4 Uncertainty				in degrees
PCASAVGB 28  1 R*4 Average brightness over array	in MJy/sr
PCASNPIX 32  1 I*4 Number of pixels defined
PCASBRGT 36  9 R*4 Surface brightness per pixel		in MJy/sr
PCASBRGU 72  9 R*4 Uncertainty 				in MJy/sr
PCASFLUX 108 9 R*4 Flux density per pixel		in Jy
PCASFLXU 144 9 R*4 Uncertainty 				in Jy
PCASSTAT 180 9 I*1 Status flags 			from SPD
PCASFILL 189 3 I*1 Filler

13.4.11 Product PSAP

This is the photometric table product for PHT-SS single pointing of a point source.

  Origin:         PHT40
  Units:          W/m^2/micron
  Format:         FITS binary table file
  Limitations:    -

The following product specific keywords are present:

CALSEQ 	   I   Calibration Sequence		
CALDATE    C   Date Calibration defaults generated		
FPCMODE    C   Focal plane chopper mode 		(ST, RE, SW or TR)
LAMBDAd    R   Central Wavelength of pixel (m) 		d=1,2,...,64

Record length: 2568 bytes

FIELD    Off  N   T   Description			 Comment
PSAPDFLG 0    1   I*4 Dark background flag 		 dark=1, otherwise=0
PSAPNBCK 4    1   I*4 Number of background reference positions
PSAPSRCE 8    64  R*4 Source Flux 			 in ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}}$ 
PSAPSRCU 264  64  R*4 Uncertainty 			 in ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}}$ 
PSAPBCK  520  64  R*4 Mean Background 			 in ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}}$ 
PSAPBCKU 776  64  R*4 Uncertainty 			 in ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}}$ 
PSAPSPB  1032 64  R*4 Source + Background 		 in ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}}$ 
PSAPSPBU 1288 64  R*4 Uncertainty 			 in ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}}$ 
PSAPBCK1 1544 64  R*4 Background reference 1 		 in ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}}$
PSAPBK1U 1800 64  R*4 Uncertainty 			 in ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}}$ 
PSAPBCK2 2056 64  R*4 Background reference 2 		 in ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}}$
PSAPBK2U 2312 64  R*4 Uncertainty 			 in ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}}$ 

13.4.12 Product PLAP

This is the photometric table product for PHT-SL single pointing of a point source.

  Origin:         PHT40
  Units:          W/m^2/micron
  Format:         FITS binary table file
  Limitations:    -

Similar to product PSAP

Similar to product PSAP, only all record keywords start with `PLAP'

13.4.13 Product PSAE

This is the photometric table product for PHT-SS single pointing of an extended source.

  Origin:         PHT40
  Units:          of W/m^2/micron/sr
  Format:         FITS binary table file
  Limitations:    -

Similar to product PSAP

Similar to product PSAP, only all record keywords start with `PSAE' and all surface brightness values are in units of ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}\,sr^{-1}}$.

13.4.14 Product PLAE

This is the photometric table product for PHT-SL single pointing of an extended source.

  Origin:         PHT40
  Units:          W/m^2/micron/sr
  Format:         FITS binary table file
  Limitations:    -

Similar to product PSAP

Similar to product PSAP, only all record keywords start with `PLAE' and all surface brightness values are in units of ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}\,sr^{-1}}$.

13.4.15 Product PSAS

This is the photometric table product for PHT-SS raster pointing. Each record contains the surface brightness and sky coordinates for each sampled position. The records are ordered in time according to the raster scan.

  Origin:         PHT40
  Units:          W/m^2/micron/sr
  Format:         FITS binary table file
  Limitations:    No image product available.

The following product specific keywords are present:

CALSEQ 	   I 	  Calibration Sequence
CALDATE    C 	  Date Calibration defaults generated
LAMBDAd    R 	  Central Wavelength of pixel (m) 		 d=1,64

Record length: 604 bytes

FIELD    Off N  T   Description				Comment
PSASDFLG 0   1  I*4 Dark background flag 		dark=1, otherwise=0
PSASRA 	 4   1  R*4 Right Ascension of raster point	in degrees
PSASRAU  8   1  R*4 Uncertainty in Right Ascension	in degrees
PSASDEC  12  1  R*4 Declination of raster point		in degrees
PSASDECU 16  1  R*4 Uncertainty in Declination		in degrees
PSASROLL 20  1  R*4 Roll angle				in degrees
PSASROLU 24  1  R*4 Uncertainty in roll angle		in degrees
PSASSPB  28  64 R*4 Source plus background brightness	in ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}sr^{-1}}$
PSASSPBU 284 64 R*4 Uncertainty		   		in ${\rm Wm^{-2}{\mu}m^{-1}sr^{-1}}$
PSASSTAT 540 64 I*1 Status flags

13.4.16 Product PLAS

This is the photometric table product for PHT-SL raster pointing.

  Origin:         PHT40
  Units:          W/m^2/micron/sr
  Format:         FITS binary table file
  Limitations:    No image product available.

Similar to product PSAS

Similar to product PSAS, only all record keywords start with `PLAS'

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ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc