14.1 Overview
13.4 AAR Product Types
14. Calibration-G Products
14.1 Overview
14.2 Observation Time Dependent Calibration
14.2.1 Product PTIMEDEP: PHT calibration time dependency
14.3 DIE Power Calibration
14.3.1 Product PDIE1TRANS: PHT DIE1 power calibration table
14.3.2 Product PDIE2TRANS: PHT DIE2 power calibration table
14.4 Selection of Readouts
14.4.1 Product PSELNDR: PHT non-destructive readout selection
14.5 CRE Linearisation Corrections
14.5.1 Product PPCRELIN: linearisations for P1, P2, and P3
14.5.2 Product PC1CRELIN: linearisations for C100
14.5.3 Product PC2CRELIN: linearisations for C200
14.6 Signal Correction for Reset Interval
14.6.1 Product PP1RESETI: parameters for conversion to 1/4s reset interval for P1
14.6.2 Product PP2RESETI: parameters for conversion to 1/4s reset interval for P2
14.6.3 Product PP3RESETI: parameters for conversion to 1/4s reset interval for P3
14.6.4 Product PC1RESETI: parameters for conversion to 1/4s reset interval for C100
14.6.5 Product PC2RESETI: parameters for conversion to 1/4s reset interval for C200
14.7 Detector Dark Signals
14.7.1 Product PSDARK: PHT-S dark signals
14.7.2 Product PPDARK: dark signals for detectors P1, P2, and P3
14.7.3 Product PC1DARK: dark signals for detector C100
14.7.4 Product PC2DARK: dark signals for detector C200
14.8 Correction for Signal Non-Linearity
14.8.1 Product PP1SLINR: signal linearisation for PHT-P1
14.8.2 Product PP2SLINR: signal PHT-P2 linearisation
14.8.3 Product PP3SLINR: signal linearisation for PHT-P3
14.8.4 Product PC1SLINR: signal linearisation for PHT-C100
14.8.5 Product PC2SLINR: signal linearisation for PHT-C200
14.9 PHT-S Dynamic Calibration for Staring Observations
14.9.1 Product PSDYNAMIC: PHT-S dynamic calibration - flux correction
14.9.2 Product PSDYNWT: PHT-S dynamic calibration - weighting function
14.10 Correction for Signal Losses in Chopped Mode
14.10.1 Product PP1CHOPSIG: PHT-P1 chopped signal correction
14.10.2 Product PP2CHOPSIG: PHT-P2 chopped signal correction
14.10.3 Product PP3CHOPSIG: PHT-P3 chopped signal correction
14.10.4 Product PC1CHOPSIG: PHT-C100 chopped signal correction
14.10.5 Product PC2CHOPSIG: PHT-C200 chopped signal correction
14.11 Vignetting Corrections
14.11.1 Product PP1VIGN: vignetting corrections for P1
14.11.2 Product PP2VIGN: vignetting corrections for P2
14.11.3 Product PP3VIGN: vignetting corrections for P3
14.11.4 Product PC1VIGN: vignetting corrections for C100
14.11.5 Product PC2VIGN: vignetting corrections for C200
14.12 FCS Power Calibration
14.12.1 Product PP1FCSPOW: PHT-P1 FCS power calibration table
14.12.2 Product PP2FCSPOW: PHT-P2 FCS power calibration table
14.12.3 Product PP3FCSPOW_01/02: PHT-P3 FCS power calibration table
14.12.4 Product PC1FCSPOW_01/02: PHT-C100 FCS power calibration
14.12.5 Product PC2FCSPOW_01/02: PHT-C200 FCS power calibration
14.13 PHT-P and PHT-C Default Responsivities
14.13.1 Product PPRESP_01/02: PHT default responsivities for P1, P2 and P3 detectors
14.13.2 Product PC1RESP_01/02: PHT default responsivities for the C100 detector
14.13.3 Product PC2RESP_01/02: PHT default responsivities for the C200 detector
14.14 Array Illumination by FCS
14.14.1 Product PC1ILLUM_01/02: FCS illumination correction for C100
14.14.2 Product PC2ILLUM_01/02: FCS illumination correction for C200
14.15 Inhomogeneous FCS illumination of PHT-P
14.15.1 Product PP1FCSAP: FCS aperture correction tables for P1
14.15.2 Product PP2FCSAP: FCS aperture correction tables for P2
14.15.3 Product PP3FCSAP: FCS aperture correction tables for P3
14.16 PHT-P Filter-to-Filter Corrections
14.16.1 Product PPFTOF: PHT-P filter-to-filter correction
14.17 Wavelength Dependent Detector Flat-Fields
14.17.1 Product PC1FLAT: PHT C100 filter-to-filter flat-field correction
14.17.2 Product PC2FLAT: PHT C200 filter-to-filter flat-field correction
14.18 Point Spread Function Corrections
14.18.1 Product PPPSF: PHT-P point spread function corrections
14.18.2 Product PCPSF: PHT-C point spread function corrections
14.19 PHT-S Wavelength and Signal Calibration
14.19.1 Product PSPECAL: PHT-S wavelength and signal calibration
14.20 Conversion from Power on Detector to Flux Density
14.20.1 Product PFLUXCONV: PHT-P/C power calibration
14.20.2 Product PFLUXCONV: PHT-P/C reference wavelengths
14.21 Effective Solid Angles of Apertures and Pixels
14.21.1 Product PPOMEGA: aperture dimensions and solid angles for P1, P2, and P3
14.21.2 Product PC1OMEGA: dimensions and solid angles for C100 pixels
14.21.3 Product PC2OMEGA: dimensions and solid angles for C200 pixels
14.22 Colour Corrections
14.22.1 Product PCCBB: black body
colour correction
14.22.2 Product PCCMBBONE: modified black body
14.22.3 Product PCCMBBTWO: modified black body
14.22.4 Product PCCPOWER: Power-law
colour correction
14.23 Footprint Matrices for PHT-P and C
14.23.1 Product PP2FOOTP: PHT-P2 footprint matrices
14.23.2 Product PP3FOOTP: PHT-P3 footprint matrices
14.23.3 Product PC1FOOTP: PHT-C100 footprint matrices
14.23.4 Product PC2FOOTP: PHT-C200 footprint matrices
14.24 Relative System Responses
14.24.1 Product PPFILTRAN: PHT-P relative system response
14.24.2 Product PCFILTRAN: PHT-C relative system response
ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc