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14.14 Array Illumination by FCS

Description Parameter:	Section 4.5.4
Processing Level:	SPD
Usage in processing:	Section 7.10.4
File Type:		Fits Image 
Units:			dimensionless
Number of Records:	1 
File Names:		PC1ILLUM_01, PC1ILLUM_02,
			PC2ILLUM_01, PC2ILLUM_02,

The FCS illumination is not uniform. For the PHT-C arrays, the non-uniform illumination requires a pixel dependent correction to the FCS power calibration table which gives only the mean value over the pixel array. Note that the illumination correction products contain only 1 record.

The properties (FCS1,TRS2) altered between rev 93 and 94 due to unknown reasons. This event changed the FCS illumination pattern. Therefore two calibration files are available: one for before rev 94 (suffix _01) and one for rev 94 and higher (suffix _02).

All products have:
TYPE = R*4

14.14.1 Product PC1ILLUM_01/02: FCS illumination correction for C100

AXIS	Length	Description
1	9	C100 Pixels, in same order as SPD
2	7	$\rm [CHWII~position-1]$ (see Section A.1)
3	2	each FCS
4	2	Correction and uncertainty

14.14.2 Product PC2ILLUM_01/02: FCS illumination correction for C200

AXIS	Length	Description
1	4	C200 Pixels, in same order as SPD
2	5	$\rm [CHWII~position - 8]$ (see Section A.1)
3	2	each FCS
4	2	Correction and uncertainty

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ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc